In this episode, I welcome world traveler Kim Caskey to the podcast. You can find out more about her from her website at and more about her world tours at as well as on Facebook and Instagram.

Kim has the enviable job of coordinating and organizing textile tours around the world, including Ireland, Scotland, France, England, Wales, Japan, France, and Italy. Kim frequently likes to tie in quilt festivals into these tours, as these are great ways to explore the different styles and subjects of the quilts are fascinating.
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be joining Kim on her July 2025 Birmingham London Tour!
For more information, download the informational brochure:
Download the Birmingham Brochure hereKim’s cohost will be Paula Rafferty, an Irish quilter, who is a certified judge, and part of the tour will include her guiding the tour participants through the Birmingham Quilt show through the winning quilts through a judge’s eye.
Another experience tour participants will get to participate in will be a guided tour from Rebecca Devaney, a couture-trained embroiderer who lives in Paris. Rebecca owns Textile Tours of Paris and provides textile-focused walking tours, including Christopher Wilson Tate’s Antique Quilt Company
In September of 2025, Kim will be joining special guest Pam Holland in Australia!
Download the Australia Brochure hereSeveral special guests in Australia will include Jen Kingwell and Kathy Doughty.
I’d love to go on the tour with you all!