I’m so excited to announce we have a new website and a new logo! Don’t you love the thread making an S through the needle? I sure do.

This is crazy exciting for me to finally roll out. Erin (my assistant) and I have been working and re-working everything in the website for months 😂
Would this photo look great here? Or maybe that one is better?
This font with serifs? Or that one without?
You see how it went down🥹
But it’s fully functional now, new colors, logo and all!
Help a Quilter Out?
I would LOVE if you would check it out, and let us know what you think. Poke around in all the pages, and get a feel for it. We’re not professional designers by any means, so did we represent my business well? Did we come down on the right side of serifs??? You’re welcome to email here to give us your thoughts.
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