I don’t know about you but right after the holidays, I tend to look around my sewing room and think,
“I really need to declutter and organize.”
“I need to finish some of the projects I’ve already started.”
“I really should use the fabrics I have and save money.”
And also me…
“I really want to try something new and creative this year.”
The struggle is REAL 😅 But if you’re like me and you want to save money and spend less on new quilting projects, but also start some fun new projects, and also shop your stash, and also declutter and reorganize and do it ALLLLL at the same time, while highly over-caffeinated, I have just the thing for us!
Quilting Summit
My friend Tabatha (she’s a quilting coach!) is hosting a fabulous quilting summit for FREE! And her last name is also Smith. I mean, how rare is that? 😉
The summit is a solid 2 days of back-to-back presenters and I’ll be one of them, talking about a suuuuuper touchy topic – choosing quilting designs 😄

I’m excited to share my best tips with you, along with a bajillion photos to illustrate. You know I love quilt photos👍🏻

When you attend Quilted!, you get:
- Exclusive quilting tips, techniques, and inspiration from over 25 expert instructors
- Discounts & Coupons from dozens of quilt brands
- Free patterns, tools, courses & other resources from the instructors
Are you up for it?
Get your FREE Ticket to Quilted right here! (When you reserve your spot, you’ll be given the option of add-ons (such as longer access time, additional content, etc, so be sure to read all the way through if those features interest you.)
Hope to see you there ❤️
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